Saturday, October 16, 2010

2 Sure-Fire Methods Proven To Convert More Customers

If you're a marketer your number one concern is customers.  You've probably read and heard a million and one ideas about how to build relationships, retain customers, create a list of potential customers, and inspire consmer loyalty.  But the tough question is, "How do I convert prospects into customers?"

There are a lot of people out there who see your ads, think about them, and maybe even say, "I ought to..."  They're just waiting to be convinced to to do something about it.  There is something you can do to get them moving!

1.  Improve Your Offer
No on can pass up the deal that's "too good to resist."  Think about it... how often do your customers want your product, but just want something else a little more?  That leaves you with a long list of "almost sales" that have the potential to be converted into real sales and profit.  Sweeten the deal.  Make the offer so good they can't resist it.

Now, I'm in no way suggesting that you drop your prices to sweeten the deal.  You can just as easily load it up with bonuses to increase the perceived value without cutting away at your profit.  Bonuses motivate sales, maybe even more than cut prices.

Don't let them lollygag.  Yeah, get them into the store pronto with a deadline.  They may have to put a competitors purchase on hold to get your deal, but hey... what's wrong with that?

2.  Follow Up
How would you like to increase your sales by more than 50 percent?  Yeah, it sounds good!  There's really a very simple tactic that you can implement... follow ups.

Chances are, prospective customers aren't going to buy your product the first time they see or hear about it.  Maybe it'll be the third or fourth, but they have to hear from you that third or fourth time before they actually become a customer.  Do you have a follow up system in place?

Simply contact the "almost customer" every month with a new offer, or give them more information about the product they are showing interest in.  It doesn't have to be an intricate process.  Keeping the contact there goes a long way toward building trust... the key to finding life-long customers.

Internet Marketers experience a high number of customers who browse their site, then click away.  You can't follow up without some form of contact information.  A great way to gather the info you need is to offer a free ebook or informative report that consumers will find of interest.  Once they've given you the information to email them the product, you have what you need to keep in contact, and work on converting them into loyal customers.

Personalize as much as possible.  If you can get the firstname of your customer... great!  Personalized messages have greater appeal than "addressed to occupant" messages.

3 Marketing Tactics That Will Send Your Sales Through The Roof

When the tide comes in, all boats in the harbor go up... the tough part is figuring out how to bring the tide in.  Booming economies come and go and bring surges of profit increases,  then ebb to leave behind shortages and tough times.  Regardless, there are some business that just seem to weather the tough times with grace, not really affected by recessions.  It's almost as though they have a secret source... maybe they do... customers.

Hey, customers always buy... in the good times and in the bad times.  They still have needs and still make purchases.  When you understand their needs and wants, you have the keys to keeping your business afloat when others are grounded.  Implement these three tactics successful marketers use, and you're set for success.

1.  Just One
Customers can be like a two year old in a candy store... they want it all.  Yeah, sometimes it's hard to make up your mind about what you really do want when everything looks so good.  That's why it pays to promote one product over the others.  It spells out loud and clear... I'M THE BEST DEAL.  That will be the deciding factor in most cases.

2.  Make Them Feel Good
Customers buy because they want to enjoy the benefits of the purchase.  A lady might buy a dress because she wants to feel sexy, or a man will buy a saw because he finds pleasure in creating things.  Emotions are the key element that drives purchases.

Use word pictures to stir up the emotions that will instigate the sale.  Let them "feel" the benefits, and they'll be more apt to head for the cash register.  Put them where you want them.

Selling a riding mower?  ... the birds are singing, Easter lilies are blooming and kids are flying kites in the wind... spring has arrived.  Yep, it's time to get out that mower and fuel it up for the summer ahead.  How many springs have come and gone since you promised yourself a riding mower? ... It's not hard to paint mental pictures that whet their appetite for the product you are advertising.

3.  Make Contact
Following up with a customer who didn't buy can be the determining factor between and "almost sale" and a satisfied, loyal customer.  Simply contact them afterwards and let them know the product is still available or offer them further information they may find valuable.

Internet marketers can offer free newsletters or reports that consumers find useful and marketers find profitable.  Not only do you keep your product in front of the customer on a regular basis, you get email information to stay in contact.  Both parties win!